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Portraits of Birds

Series of watercolor bird portraits

Claudio Marcone 2022

It is astonishing to witness the pictorial work of Pamela Lodigiani; it feels like entering a cosmos where creativity is in constant evolution. Here, the aesthetic component is fundamental and prevails over all others. Naturally, "beauty" does not solely mean harmony of forms and colors, as even a painting filled with formal and chromatic dissonances can be beautiful, as demonstrated by artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso among the figuratives, and Rauschenberg and De Kooning among the abstractionists...

... delving into the painting of Pamela Lodigiani. Her sensitivity is drawn to the light and the atmospheric dimension of thought. Her paintings embark on a journey through the unconscious, unfolding across silent dimensions of peace and inner tranquility. In this surreal context, multicolored glassy chromaticism float, “spiritual presences” that heighten the magical impact of the settings.

Pamela Lodigiani’s creations are windows into the enigmas and mysteries of existence, fleeting and unreachable images poised between dream and fantasy, which the artist conveys with a language rich in creative prospects for the future. Truth does not have one face; it exists in the enlightening flashes of the deep-seated “self,” aware of not belonging to deception.

This might seem the perfect plan of a man, but it is not… It is a thought that could also apply to art; but is art a different truth? This is the question that should torment those who engage in this challenging discipline. What primarily strikes in Pamela Lodigiani’s paintings is her transposition of the real or a peculiar element within them. Her dewy paintings possess an inner strength, not only due to the chromaticism that gives them a distinctiveness but also because of the artist's adherence to the context of truth, striving to render it absolute in her identity.

Artist Lodigiani has an impetus for truth in art; an undeniable morality that shields against deceptions. In the grammar of her paintings, one can grasp this will for truth through the crystallization of the inner moment of creation. Her works dissolve into a world where the object placed in an imaginary context experiences all possibilities of life, in an uncorrupted climate where existence is beautiful, and where not even the disturbance of deep, vertical or horizontal shadows can divert us, for the context of her paintings, imbued with their light, could be our solar prison for a dark regret, which we could identify with the mystery of life.

Pamela Lodigiani work, like that of any person of inner life, tames contrasts and through this struggle creates her dream as a vision, an unalterable credit card…

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