Pamela Lodigiani
"Breathe in Nature" Illustration
Breathe in Nature is a visual meditation book released to help the those in need to release the effects of Covid-19 isolation
Breathe in Nature invites you into a visual meditation practice - to breath in the beauty and wisdom of the wild. Visual meditation is the practice of connecting with your breath and observing the visual in front of you or by closing your eyes and visualising the image. This technique allows you to release stress of the day, negative thoughts or experiences and then enjoy the peace of being in the present. The ebook combines images of nature with breath work and mindfulness.
Neuroscience has shown that viewing images of nature has a positive impact on individuals suffering from stress, insomnia and other sleep disorders, depression, anger, tension, impulsivity, restlessness, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Other scientific studies shows that it also bolsters your focus, executive attention, immune system and your body's natural healing abilities.